


admin 举报



1 、他完全懂得整体大于部分之和的道理,他说人也是一样的,只是有的人,从整体上看更加浅薄。

He fully understood the truth that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. He said that people are the same, but some people are more superficial on the whole.

2 、虽然我已经十年没有见过他,但我知道我会永远想念他。


Although I haven"t seen him for ten years, I know I will miss him forever.

3 、哪怕穷困潦倒,食不果腹,哪怕天各一方,无法相见,我们爱着彼此,我们就一定能抓住希望。

If we love each other, we will surely be able to hold on to hope, even if we are poor and can"t eat enough, even if we can"t meet each other in different places.

4 、当她走出那扇门,我想起第一次见她,怎么会有人想从朱莉贝克的手里挣脱呢?

When she walked out of the door, I thought of seeing her for the first time. How could anyone want to break free of Julie Baker?


5 、遇见你那刻起,我便怦然心动了。

From the moment I met you, my heart throbbed.

6 、我确实怦然心动了,彻彻底底的。


I was really in a heartbeat, absolutely.



1 、梦想与现实间的冲突,总得有个人来承受。

The conflict between dream and reality must be borne by someone.

2 、姗姗来迟总比没来好。

Better late than never.

3 、别听我说,听内心呼唤,这是否想要的结果。

Don"t listen to me, listen to the inner call, whether this wants the result.

4 、我感激遇见你的那一天!

I appreciate the day I met you!

5 、有时候,长痛不如短痛。

Sometimes, long pain is better than short pain.

6 、在这个世界上,对某些人来说,或许原谅,会比惩罚更深刻吧。

In this world, for some people, perhaps forgiveness is more profound than punishment.


1 、不管怎么说,我最不希望看到的事情,就是让茱莉以为我在想她。

Anyway, the last thing I want to see is to make Julie think I"m thinking about her.

2 、有些人朴实无华,有些人光芒万丈。

Some are plain and some are brilliant.

3 、美色当前,忠义让步。

At present, the United States and the United States give in to loyalty and righteousness.

4 、梦想与现实的冲突,总得一个人来承受。

The conflict between dream and reality must be borne by one person.

5 、有些人平庸,有些人绚烂。

Some are mediocre, others are gorgeous.

6 、洛斯奇先生外表看起来光鲜体面,但似乎看起来心里装着,什么腐烂掉的东西。

Mr. Losch looked handsome on the outside, but he seemed to have something rotten in his heart.