


admin 举报


1 、那时对你的执着,都是如今的笑话了。


At that time, your persistence was a joke today.

2 、一开始爱的疯狂,结果就有多荒凉。

At the beginning of the crazy love, the result is so desolate.

3 、我用幸福当筹码,赌天下爱情的真假,结果我输的一无所有。


I used happiness as a chip to gamble the truth of love in the world, and I lost nothing.

4 、有时,我担心我的不善言辞会赶走我身边重要的人。

Sometimes, I worry that my bad words will drive away the important people around me.

5 、有时,与其说是失眠,不如说是想用清醒惩罚自己。

Sometimes, it"s not so much insomnia as trying to punish yourself with lucidity.

6 、道理我都懂,可是听到别人喊美女的时候还是忍不住要回头。

I know the truth, but I can"t help but look back when I hear other people shouting beautiful women.

7 、如果爱,请深爱;如不爱,请离开。

If you love, please love deeply; if not, please leave.

8 、有故事的人,才会喜好哀痛的笔墨。

Only those who have stories like the ink of sorrow.

9 、相遇,是感情的开始,有一种相遇是遇见你,唯美了流年。

Meet, is the beginning of feelings, there is a meeting is to meet you, beautiful LiuNian.

1 0 、不要拿过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己。

Don"t take the memory of the past to torture yourself.

1 1 、最浪漫的时光,就是和你,一起漫步在任何地方。

The most romantic time is to walk anywhere with you.

1 2 、3没有纠缠,只是简单,我是你的小女人,你是我的大男人。

No entanglement, just simple, I am your little woman, you are my big man.

1 3 、只想让你知道我爱你,我在想你!我喜欢听你说我爱你。

Just want you to know that I love you, I miss you! I like to hear you say I love you.

1 4 、岁月的转角处一个挥手,就是永久的别离,你给我的只是一个起点。

Years around the corner of a wave, is a permanent separation, you just give me a starting point.

1 5 、谢谢你让我遇见了最美的花开,谢谢你引我走进最美的梦境。

Thank you for letting me meet the most beautiful flowers, thank you for leading me into the most beautiful dream.

1 6、希望以后的生活越来越好,是通过自己努力的那种。

I hope my life will be better and better in the future. It"s through my own efforts.

1 7 、说片面是熬夜,说实在是失眠,说实话是想你,情人节快乐。

To say one-sided is to stay up late, to say it is insomnia, to say the truth is to miss you, Happy Valentine"s day.

1 8、我甚至一秒也没有拥有过你,却好像失去你一万次。

I don"t even have you for a second, but I seem to lose you ten thousand times.

1 9 、能觉他人之诈,不形于言,受人之辱,无动于色,道成近矣!

Can feel the deceit of others, not form in words, be humiliated by others, not move in color, the way is near!

2 0、每场雪,惊了一场万千白花开。我们终究在轮回里,不舍。

Every snow startles a thousand white flowers. We are in samsara after all, do not give up.


1 、女汉子们的姐妹不叫姐妹,叫兄弟。

Women men"s sisters are not called sisters, but brothers.

2 、欲望彼岸的幸福、永远触摸不到的美丽。

Desire the happiness on the other side, the beauty that can never be touched.

3 、用爱生活,你会使自己幸福!用爱工作,你会使很多人幸福!

Live with love, you will make yourself happy! Work with love, you will make many people happy!

4 、真性情如果给别人带来困扰的话,那就不是真性情了,是没眼色。

If true temperament brings trouble to others, it"s not true temperament, it"s no eyesight.

5 、你们只知道将军与妓的故事,殊不知敌方的将军也喜欢妓。

You only know the story of the general and the prostitute, but the general of the enemy also likes the prostitute.

6 、特别能吃苦这5个字,我想了想,我只做到了前四个。

I think about the five words especially able to bear hardships. I only achieved the first four.

7 、喜欢就在一起,不喜欢就保持距离,宁愿寂寞,也绝不暧昧。

Like together, do not like to keep distance, would rather be lonely, never ambiguous.

8 、想通和放下,是截然不同的两码事。

Thinking and letting go are two different things.

9 、把你的眼睛从二爷的绿帽子上离开!

Take your eyes off the second master"s green hat!

1 0 、有人问我为什么烦恼,我不敢说出你的名字。

Someone asked me why I was upset. I dare not say your name.

1 1 、原以为你冷漠寡言,却看你眉眼带笑,对她温柔如水。

I thought you were cold and speechless, but I saw you smile and treat her like water.


1 2 、所谓的幸运,就是当你准备好了的时候,机会来了。

The so-called luck is when you are ready, the opportunity comes.

1 3 、幸福的驿站,有你就永远不会打烊。

Happy Posthouse, you will never close.

1 4 、听,那些歌不成歌、调不成调的日子。

Listen, those days when songs are not songs or tunes.

1 5 、你为什么要去异地,你不知道我一个人在这边会很幸苦吗。

Why do you want to go to a different place? Don"t you know that I"m lucky to be here alone.

1 6、热不占人风头,冷不占人炉前。工作莫落人后,利益莫跑人前。

Heat doesn"t occupy the limelight, cold doesn"t occupy the front of the stove. Don"t leave your work behind, and don"t run away from your interests.

1 7 、我喜欢你已经超过两分钟了,不能撤回了。

I like you for more than two minutes. I can"t withdraw.

1 8、我只是一只小猪,吃吃睡睡不该有罪恶感。

I"m just a little pig. I shouldn"t feel guilty when I eat and sleep.

1 9 、想诉说自己的心情,可谁有会倾听。

I want to tell my feelings, but who can listen.

2 0、你是疯啊我是傻,缠缠绵绵到没牙!

You"re crazy, I"m stupid. I"m so tangled that I have no teeth!


1 、你既不友好也不冷漠,你远远近近,让我想放弃,但不愿意。

You are neither friendly nor indifferent. You are so close that I want to give up, but I don"t want to.

2 、新年快乐,我对自己说,希望你眼里长着太阳,笑里全是坦荡。

Happy new year, I said to myself, I hope you have the sun in your eyes, and all your laughter is calm.

3 、不强求,不强留,你有本事轻易放手,我就有脾气转身就走。

If you don"t insist, if you have the ability to let go easily, I will turn around and go.

4 、我是困不住的野马,却只想做你怀里的猫。

I"m a wild horse that can"t be trapped, but I just want to be the cat in your arms.

5 、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。

my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

6 、都说人生自古谁无死,可我一定要死在你后面。

It"s said that no one has died since ancient times, but I must die behind you.

7 、只要你需要我,我永远在你看得到的地方。

As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.

8 、兔子不吃窝边草,何况质量又不好,何必非在身边找。


Rabbits don"t eat grass beside their nests. Besides, the quality is not good. Why not look around.

9 、不管做什么,都要给自己留点空间,好让自己可以从容转身。

No matter what you do, you should leave some space for yourself so that you can turn around calmly.

1 0 、不求你深深记我一辈子,只求别忘记你的世界我来过。

Do not ask you to remember me deeply all my life, just don"t forget that I have been in your world.

1 1 、喜欢的人当猪养,讨厌的人拿去喂猪。

He who likes is a pig, and he who hates is a pig.

1 2 、直到你牵起她的手,我才停下了逞强。

I didn"t stop trying to be brave until you took her hand.

1 3 、希望这个世界就像一个大操场,背道而驰后还能不期而遇。

I hope this world is like a big playground, which can be met by chance after running against each other.

1 4 、躲在万劫不复的街头,微笑参透覆水。

Hide in the street of the eternal, smile and see through the water.

1 5 、如果不能并肩同行,那就假装恰好路过。

If you can"t walk together, pretend to be passing by.

1 6、在没有你的日子里,我连呼吸都会痛。

In the days without you, I even feel pain in breathing.

1 7 、失望攒够了就放手,不打扰是我最后的温柔。

Let go when you have enough disappointment. It"s my last tenderness not to disturb.

1 8、无论岁月如何变迁,我对你的爱从不改变。

No matter how time changes, my love for you never changes.

1 9 、如果你活着,早晚都会死;如果你死了,你就永远活着。

If you live, sooner or later you will die; if you die, you will live forever.


2 0、我说不出来我为什么爱你,但我知道你是我不爱别人的理由。

I can"t say why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don"t love others.

2 1、你笑的好漂亮,好像从来没有受过伤。

You have a beautiful smile, as if you have never been hurt.